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Showing posts from September, 2015

A Pencil And Its Correlation With Human Being

 I was sent this post and I thought it will be worth sharing with you guys!!! A pencil story Once upon a time... A boy was watching his grandmother write a letter. As one point, he asked, “Are you writing a story about what we’ve done? Is it a story about me??” His grandmother stopped writing her letter and said to her grandson, “I am writing about you...actually,

BBM and Monitoring Spirits!

Hey guys! I hope you are all having a fantastic day? This particular topic has left me wondering for such a long time, but the urge to write has never been there because I thought maybe it was going to reduce but hey! It's just getting worse and complicated. I will make it simple and short. It's obvious that BBM is no more biggie to everyone now, but what still amazes me is how it's being used. For me, I think your pin should be private and kept confidential and not for public display.

Early Morning Thought!

The road might be rough.......... But remember, Its your road and yours alone..... Others may walk it with you...... But no one can walk it for you........ Tough periods never last but tough people do......... Good Morning Beautiful People!!!

Inspirational Quotes and Thoughts

We are born in one day.................... We die in one day............................ We can change in one day........... We can fall in love in one day............ Anything can happen in just one day............. Make that change in your life today................. Good morning people!!!

Children and Mobile Phones!!!

Hi Guys! How is your day going? For me, I’m still trying to strike a balance with work and having to write something on the blog. One thing I know is certain, I will surely get there. There has been this argument going on between some couples and friends that I would like to share with you guys. The question is, what age do you think is appropriate for a child to have his/her own personal mobile phone? Looking at the world we are today, even a baby can have his /her own mobile phone. Don't mind me jare I’m just trying to tell you it’s no biggie to some parents anymore. Because of the ever evolving world, Science and Technology, It seems we have forgotten our route and responsibilities as parents. I know there are no set rules or formulas on how you should raise your child, but you know, we can always learn from people with past experiences either positively or negatively. So guys, let’s discuss this at length and hopefully comments here can help some people / families out

Welcome Back Guys!!! Wondering Why I haven't Been Blogging???

Hi Guys!!! It feels so good to be back here. I didn't think I was going to leave this for too long but you know, this life is full of the unknown!!! Life is full of ups and downs and we all struggle one way or the other to make ends meet. The past year has been very challenging and difficult with a lot of transitions and transformations but I'm thankful to God to be back hale and hearty.